How to quickly transform to the summer season?

How to quickly transform to the summer season?

The secrets of the transformation are not so complicated - only a few salon procedures, such as: extension of the nails of the auto tanning eyelash extensions and you will be transformed. Not every beauty can devote a lot of time to their appearance daily, and the above procedures will help to quickly put themselves in order after the winter season.

Today it is not a problem to find cheap services of nail extension, applying a car zagar, eyelash extensions and other procedures. Real professionals will work with you with experience in various nail extension. Masters do not stop there, all the time, replenishing their experience in specialized master classes, competitions, seminars, etc.

To date, gel and acrylic extensions are common. Gel buildings are recommended to owners of thin nails, as they have the ability to pass air. Acrylic nails are stronger, they can be made longer. In addition, acrylic nails are more a variety of design solutions. Gel nails have a natural brilliance. What type of extension to choose is always behind you.
Nail extension can be produced in two ways - on tips (plastic plates) or shape. The first option is suitable for those who want long nails, the second - for those who want to preserve the naturalness of their nails.

What is the main sign of a good summer vacation? Of course, a dark tan. But if you do not have a free time, then the car carrier will quickly help you. The technique of reed tan is performed - this is not only a tanker quickly, but also health safety. The reed tan is suitable for people with sensitive skin, which for one reason or another cannot or do not want to sunbathe in tanning beds. In addition, the spray used contains extracts useful for the skin: lemon, chamomile, cucumber, green tea, rosemary, lavender, ginseng, calendula, sugarcane (this extract is the main one). The application of the spray takes from 5 to 10 minutes - it depends on the type of skin and the desired effect.

In the salons, eyelash extensions are executed with bundles and core extensions of eyelashes. The second option can be used for daily “wearing” - eyelashes look more natural, and last longer, while eyelash extensions helps to create “foxes”, “squirrel” look, more appropriate at solemn events. Проститутки сквирт
